There it was, the last empanada.
Oh, its mine, i'm not worried about that. Pixie already told me I could have it because she already gave 3 away and the Bean doenst like pumpkin (only apple) so I was good to go. What DID worry me was this was the last one.
As I gazed upon this confectionary delight I realized that her soul was in there,beyond the golden flaky crust.......deep inside the cinammony spiced pumpkin was her heart.
What she didnt know was these lil gems have been a favorite of my family for generations.
Whats more is I have NEVER tasted an empanada this good! What puzzles me is , how does a lil irish gal pull this off?
You know what?
I dont wanna know.
I just wanna sit here and....
excuse me but,
could i be alone with my empanada for a while?
Hey Thanks!
Como agua para chocolate...
You are a lovely, lovely man :)
Can you see the big fat tear running down my face......
You are one special person..
She is *such* a lucky girl... :)
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